Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - Islam, Interfaith & The Bible - 6.21.17

Today's Show: ISLAM, INTERFAITH & THE BIBLE - 6.21.2017

Chris discusses the interfaith movement in America, specifically as it pertains to Islam.   We consider examples given in the Bible of God's people interacting with those who worshiped pagan gods, and whether or not they entered into dialogue the likes of which we find in the modern interfaith movement.   In particular, the examples of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in the Old Testament, and then the Apostle Paul in Athens speaking to the ancient Greeks from Mars Hill.

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NOTR - The Strange Death Of Europe - 6.16.17

Today's Show: THE STRANGE DEATH OF EUROPE - 6.16.2017

Chris discusses a new article on Frontpagemag about the publication of the book, "The Strange Death of Europe," by Douglas Murray.  The book details the condition of the wearied countries that are now being invaded by Islamic immigrants, who threaten to overthrow and ultimately replace the Western European people.  The book and article make reference to the famous "Rivers of Blood" speech given by U.K. politician Enoch Powell that was often referenced during the time leading up to the Brexit vote.   Today, Powell is considered one of the greatest British leaders in history, whose warnings have sadly gone unheeded.  During the program, we play an excerpt from his famous speech where he warns that his country is heaping up its own "funeral pyre." 

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NOTR - Romans Chapter Ten - 6.13.17

Today's Show: ROMANS CHAPTER TEN - 6.13.2017

Chris discusses Romans chapter ten and the explanation given by the Apostle Paul for salvation.  This chapter contains what might be called "the simple Gospel," but how is it best understood in light of the
rest of Scripture?  Paul argues that the children of Israel at that time (those who did not believe Jesus Christ) had refused to submit to the righteousness of God and went about to create their own righteousness.  Yet is this not also a picture of how all the pagan beliefs of the world have been engineered?  Each attempting to establish a system of justification for mankind, yet none of them representing the true revelation of God's righteousness through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - Ramadan & The Islamic Jihad - 6.12.17

Today's Show: RAMADAN & THE ISLAMIC JIHAD - 6.12.2017

Chris discusses the first few weeks of the Islamic celebration of Ramadan -- called the "Ramadan Rage" by the conservative website Breitbart, because of what appears to be an increase in jihad attacks during this period.  But is the violence carried out by Muslims around the world only the result of having extremists in Islam as in other religions?  Or will the countries of the world eventually realize that Islam is simply not like other belief systems?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - The Heathen In The Temple - 6.6.17

Today's Show: THE HEATHEN IN THE TEMPLE - 6.6.2017

Chris discusses the symbolism of Psalm chapter 79 and how it may pertain to events happening in the Church and the Western world today.  "Oh God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled ..."  The advance of the subversive global agenda continues to move forward, as the recent knife attack in London has stunned the Western world.  The multicultural movement insists that somehow all cultures believe the same things, and that Islam is no different.  But is the real issue that the historically Christian governments of Europe stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that the first commandment has been put aside, while the followers of pagan gods are violating God's people?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - The Government Of The Righteous VS. The Wicked - 6.3.17


Chris begins a discussion on how the government of our country has shifted, largely because of the influence of our education system.  Abraham Lincoln is said to have warned that the teachings of the schools today would become the political philosophies of the next generation.  In other words, what our children are being taught now, will end up governing society later.  This should especially concern Americans today, when it is clear that radical Marxists are indoctrinating our children in the schools, colleges and universities with an increasingly violent brand of leftism.  Will this become the normalized political worldview of American leaders in the next twenty years?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.