Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - Bible Study in the White House - 8.3.17

Today's Show: BIBLE STUDY IN THE WHITE HOUSE - 8.3.2017

Chris discusses some of the current stories in the news, including a report that some of the leading members of the Trump Administration are involved in a weekly Bible study.  It is said this is the first time something like this has happened in at least 100 years.  Also discussed is some of the history of the Spanish Armada and how it affects our understanding of history today.  The American Revolution is seen as one of the greatest turning points in world history -- but would the United States have existed as we know it, without the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588?  One Christian historian says "no" and provides a powerful explanation.

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NOTR - The Markan Priority Debate - 7.31.17

Today's Show: THE MARKAN PRIORITY DEBATE - 7.31.2017

Chris discusses the Markan Priority (the idea that the Gospel of Mark was the first of the four gospels written), as the teaching of this theory continues to be normalized in Christian circles.  For the overwhelming majority of history, scholars have accepted that Matthew was the first gospel, since early Church writers always said so.  That is the reason Matthew appears first in our bibles, and then Mark.  But since the discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus in the 19th century, skeptics have questioned the ordering of the gospels, and in doing so, have attempted to deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The theory behind it all has an origin in highly flawed argumentation, apparently engineered for the purpose of undermining the faith once for all delivered to the saints. 

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NOTR - Trump Bans Transgenders From U.S. Military - 7.28.17


Chris discusses the recent story about how President Trump has said the transgender community will in no way serve any purpose in the U.S. Military.  Critics have suspected that the radical left had planned to flood the armed forces with homosexuals and then hand the massive bill for the "sexual reassignment surgery" of countless thousands to the American people.  It would appear that the Obama administration had begun to set this up as another Socialist-inspired redistribution of wealth scam.  Yet most importantly, what does the Bible say about men who dress up as women?  Or women who dress as men? 

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NOTR - The Gulag Archipelago - 7.26.17

Today's Show: THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO - 7.26.2017

Chris discusses the famous book by Russian author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "The Gulag Archipelago" and its significance for our time.  After the Reagan era, it was said for a time that Communism was "dead."  But after eight years of the Clinton administration, there were those who strongly disagreed and began to warn the American people about the rise of globalists and Marxists in our system.  As such, Solzhenitsyn's book continues to serve as a powerful warning of the dangers of what can happen to a country -- even one with a centuries-old Christian heritage like Russia -- that is systematically conditioned to accept Marxist principles.  Today, the radical left in America seems to have cast off nearly every pretense, and now openly proclaims Communism as the opponent of Christianity and American patriotism. 

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NOTR - The Abomination of Desolation - 7.20.17


Chris discusses the ongoing effort to overthrow Christian civilization through the massive wave of Islamic immigration, that appears to continue full steam ahead, even with President Trump in the White House.  But it is not merely the presence of Muslim immigrants that is the cause for concern, but more importantly, the ideological teachings that have crept steadily into the churches as a result.  Ecumenical and interfaith dialogues are apparently aimed -- not just at understanding Islam, but rather -- blending Islam with Christianity.  Last year, the Presbyterian Church USA specifically offered up "prayers to Allah" and prayed in the names of both Jesus and Mohammed.  Do such events foreshadow the warning of Christ in the New Testament, of the "abomination of desolation" that will one day stand in the holy place?  Can it be said that this is what's happening even now, at a spiritual level?

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NOTR - The Danger of Good Words & Fair Speeches - 7.17.17


Chris discusses the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in Rome -- how in the final chapter, he warns of false teachers, who "by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom. 16:18)  It might be said that this is the exact method being used in churches across the Western world to further the acceptance of apostasy in many forms, and the systematic betrayal of Christian civilization.  We examine first the impact of the movement on matters of theology with Christians being admonished to have a "loving and compassionate attitude" towards those who live in open and unrepentant rebellion against God.  From there, we consider the impact of the Ecumenical movement that has opened the door to the steady invasion of the West through mass immigration.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.