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NOTR - Uproar in Washington - 8.23.17

Today's Show: UPROAR IN WASHINGTON - 8.23.2017

Chris discusses the dramatic changes happening with the Trump Administration, now that Steve Bannon has departed.  Bannon has said that the Trump Presidency that he fought for is now over.  What exactly did he mean by this?  Furthermore, Breitbart News continues to report its suspicions over H.R. McMaster (the White House National Security Advisor) and his views of Islam.  McMaster is said to have endorsed a book that "advocates Quran-kissing apology ceremonies."  Will President Trump change his policies towards radical Islam?  With the continued rise of the left and its Communist agenda, what will all this mean for the future of America?

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Uproar in Washington


NOTR - The Dumbing Down of America - 8.22.17

Today's Show: THE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA - 8.22.2017

Chris discusses the movement in our country to discourage "study" and the pursuit of true education, as the steady decline in our schools strongly suggests a coordinated plan to dumb down the American people.  While independent journalists have warned about this for years, even mainstream sources have acknowledged the problem, along with its political motivations.  All of this is considered in light of the Scriptures that admonish believers to study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15).  Yet in most modern translations, the word "study" has been removed and replaced with phrases such as "do your best" and "be diligent" or "make every effort" to show yourself approved, etc.  Have the modern Bible translations been a foreshadowing of the decline in American education?

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NOTR - Antifa & The Radical Left - 8.17.17

Today's Show: ANTIFA & THE RADICAL LEFT - 8.17.2017

Chris discusses the ongoing agitation from the Democratic party and the radical left, as they continue to try and push the country farther towards a Marxist conclusion.  The LGBT agenda continues to go after America's children with new education programs in Austin, Texas reported to teach children complete gender confusion from an early age.  Meanwhile, leftist leaders accuse Trump supporters of being Nazis and fascists, but history shows that nearly all the ideas of the original Nazis are promoted by the Democratic party today.  Furthermore, left leaning companies in Silicon Valley are now said to be reevaluating free speech and questioning whether or not it should truly exist.  It is often darkest before the dawn -- is America ready for national repentance, to turn back toward the God of the Bible?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - Charlottesville Sparks Colonization Debate - 8.16.17


Chris continues his discussion on the real history of colonization movements in the wake of the recent controversies in Charlottesville, South Carolina.  An article posted by professing Christian author, Ann Voskamp speaks against "the demon called Colonization" that "led Europeans to claim the land" etc.  In light of this, we examine the real history behind many of these claims.  Are Western Europeans (i.e. Christians) the only group who engaged in colonization?  What other groups have colonized the world both past and present?  And are the groups who are currently bringing the accusation about taking land from others, somehow not guilty of doing the same? 

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NOTR - The Truth About Colonization - 8.9.17


A Muslim activist has declared Muslims to be an "oppressed" people and victims of "colonization."  The controversial subject of colonialism is typically presented as an accusation against the American, British and European countries.  If one listens carefully, it is only the historically Christian nations that are guilty of this alleged "sin."  Yet what are the facts of history?  In reality, Christian people have (through colonization) established the most free and successful countries on earth - the places that most of the immigrants are trying to get into.  In contrast, the Marxists and the Muslims have likewise engaged in their own colonization, but have produced some of the most miserable places anywhere in the world, using the most inhuman methods.   The hypocrisy is obvious by any honest examination of history.  Is the left is merely engaging in psychological warfare in its ongoing attempts to demoralize the United States and the West?

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NOTR - The Danger of Political Islam to the Gospel - 8.8.17


Chris discusses a new story about a Christian woman in the U.K. who is being punished by the increasingly socialist government of England for the offense of trying to "convert" a Muslim woman to Christianity.  Her crime consisted of praying for the woman, inviting her to a church event, and giving her a book about a former Muslim who became a Christian.  The Christian woman has just lost her second appeal in the courts, that clearly favor the Islamic cause in an historically Christian country.  The case highlights the danger of political Islam in the West, as a clear and present danger not only to a country's national security, but to the foundation of Christian society: sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.