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NOTR - The Radical Left - 3.15.16


Chris discusses the history of radical leftist ideology, tracing back to the time of the American Revolution when a frenzied mob of more than 10,000 radicals threatened to drag George Washington from his house in order to force him to support the French Revolution.  The account was recorded by John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.  Some believe these radical groups have continued in our country in one form or another to this day.  Will the radical left-wing Marxist agenda continue to manipulate American politics and culture? 


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Reader Comments (3)

I would agree that if people cry out to God, he can and will deliver HIS people (2 Chron 7). But I think this requires repentance and people getting on their knees, not voting in the "right" politician. Remember, judgement begins in the house of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17).

God can turn the heart of the King, no matter who it is. But he will allow his judgement upon us if we do not repent, regardless.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (something most of the "church" doesn't do anymore).

March 22, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterm1

Great program.
The satanism of left wing is some what complicated, it starts with denying the teaching of Jesus Christ to love your neighbor.
Bible education for children would be the best way to heal that sick behavior, like learning them to read from the Gospel.
What also is happening in the USA, is attacks on Jews on the universities by this left-wing crew.
The accusation of the evil Jews attacking those nice harmless Muslims off Hamas in Palestine.

I still believe choosing Trump is the best option for America. If I compare George Bush to Barack Obama, Barry Davis, they may both be evil, but at least George Bush did not attack the Christians in the USA as Obama does and did. Once Obama came in office, I saw many preachers going to jail in 2008 in the USA. What about the attacks on Christians by Bill Clinton in Waco. Democrats are very antichristian, Irish Roman Catholics where imported into the USA in the 1800's in order to win elections for Democrats. Trump may not be great, but he is much better than Sanders or Clinton, or any other candidates Democrats will come up with.

March 23, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGeus

Chris, have you read gorbachev's book perestroika, and how it relates to your comments on the fall of the Soviet union?

March 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNWODB

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