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 "I have now watched your excellent 'Tares Among the Wheat' film four times.  I am fully convinced that both Vaticanus and Sinaiticus are corrupted documents and I believe the evidence you present in your film overwhelmingly supports this fact.  I feel that this whole affair has been completely overlooked by most Christians which is a tragedy. I also think that staunch defenders of Sinaitucus and Vaticanus ... would have a very difficult time defending their claims against the evidence you provide in your film." -- Gareth Yendle, United Kingdom

The Berean Call Praises Hidden Faith Documentary

"TBC believes that The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers presents a perspective that is more historically accurate than the popular "Christian History" writers who in effect glorify the Constitution over God's Word and glamorize Washington, D.C. as a "Christian" capital." -- TBC Newsletter, 2012

"When I first encountered his film, I set out to prove that Pinto was wrong.  But after some investigation, I realized I couldn't, and neither could anybody else."  -- Brannon Howse of World View Weekend on "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers"

Entries in Eucharist (1)



The video is posted on a website dedicated to the Dominican Order, and shows Franciscan friars in England lifting up the Catholic monstrance with the wafer in the center of it. This is called "Eucharistic Adoration," in which Catholics are compelled to bow down before the wafer, believing that it is the actual presence of Jesus Christ. In this video, you will see one monk lift up the wafer while another talks on a loud speaker, talking about things in the Bible pertaining to Jesus Christ. He then says...

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