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 "I have now watched your excellent 'Tares Among the Wheat' film four times.  I am fully convinced that both Vaticanus and Sinaiticus are corrupted documents and I believe the evidence you present in your film overwhelmingly supports this fact.  I feel that this whole affair has been completely overlooked by most Christians which is a tragedy. I also think that staunch defenders of Sinaitucus and Vaticanus ... would have a very difficult time defending their claims against the evidence you provide in your film." -- Gareth Yendle, United Kingdom

The Berean Call Praises Hidden Faith Documentary

"TBC believes that The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers presents a perspective that is more historically accurate than the popular "Christian History" writers who in effect glorify the Constitution over God's Word and glamorize Washington, D.C. as a "Christian" capital." -- TBC Newsletter, 2012

"When I first encountered his film, I set out to prove that Pinto was wrong.  But after some investigation, I realized I couldn't, and neither could anybody else."  -- Brannon Howse of World View Weekend on "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers"



Here is a link to the video showing the Catholic Eucharistic Flash Mob.

The video is posted on a website dedicated to the Dominican Order, and
shows Franciscan friars in England lifting up the Catholic monstrance
with the wafer in the center of it.  This is called "Eucharistic Adoration,"
in which Catholics are compelled to bow down before the wafer, believing that
it is the actual presence of Jesus Christ.  In this video, you will see one monk
lift up the wafer while another talks on a loud speaker, talking about things
in the Bible pertaining to Jesus Christ.  He then says, "Come and kneel
before him now" over and over, which compels many Catholics to come
and kneel down in front of the wafer. 

We remind the viewer that during the Dark Ages, this was openly considered
to be an idolatrous and blasphemous practice by the Reformers.  Bible believers,
who refused to bow before the Catholic wafer, were persecuted, and in many cases
put to death.  Protestant historians document that this was the number one reason
for Christian martyrdom during the Inquisition era.


Reader Comments (11)

The first thing I want to do is thank you for such a wonderful site! I come here often and have listened to every radio program. You share a wealth of information and insight that I find extremely helpful (to say the least). I followed the link to the flash mob and found it appalling, sad and infuriating all at once. All the comments beneath the video were positive feedback. They obviously "preach to the choir." So I left one of my own that was not in favor of their activity. It wasn't a mean-spirited comment at all, but it will surprise me if they post it.

I have a question, so I hope you actually read the comment section. It is the contention of Catholics that the Bible originally was hand copied by Catholic monks in their monastaries and, without them, we would have no Bible at all. Now I believe, if there was not a shred of parchment or a drop of ink in all the world, God would have made a way to provide us with His word. But, are they correct in what they contend? How did we get those earliest copies? And who decided what books would be included in the Canon of Scripture? I know the Old Testament was translated into Greek by the 70 scholars (the Septuagint) about two hundred years before the birth of Jesus, so what would be included in that portion of the scriptures was decided then (I'm guessing). Thank you, in advance, for any answer you can provide and thank you, again, for such a great site!

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTamara

Hey Tamara, the answer to your question is a little bit complicated, but I'll share what I've learned thus far. I've heard others repeat similar things, and even assert that during the Middle Ages, only the monks and priests knew how to read, and that the common people were illiterate. Let me begin by saying that much of the TRUE history has been destroyed and distorted by Rome. The "Catholic monks" that they are referring to, would have been monks who made copies of the Latin Vulgate, which is where we find a majority of ancient manuscripts of the Bible. Nevertheless, the earliest manuscripts were written in Greek, and would not have been done by Catholics, but by the Greek Orthodox churches, who continued to read, write and speak Koine Greek until the fall of Constantinople. Greek scholars then came into Europe with thousands of Greek versions of the Bible, and taught their language in the universities of Europe (as we show in our film, "A Lamp in the Dark"). In addition, you had the version of the Bible kept by the Waldenses, who had their Romaunt Bible, which is little known today. The Romaunt language is said to be a combination of Middle English and Old French. While they continue to be slandered to this day, it is important to recognize that the Reformers all believed that the Waldenses and Albigenses (who had a Latin Bible) were true Christians who based their faith on the Holy Scriptures. There were also many other groups outside the Roman Church, who had their own copies of the Bible, and with this knowledge of the Scripture they opposed the Papacy. This is why Rome outlawed the Bible to begin with. If nobody but monks had Bibles, there would have been no Inquisition. If the monks were the only ones who knew how to read, the common people (who we are told were illiterate) could not have been found guilty of anything. Yet millions were persecuted, slaughtered, and burnt at the stake. If you study the accusations of the Inquisitors, they admit that among the "heretic" population, the people were taught to memorize Holy Scripture from an early age. Hence, they had to have their own Bibles and they had to know how to read them. Men like Wycliffe, Hus, Luther and Tyndale learned from the example of these earlier groups, and set about to bring the Bible to the common people in their own countries.

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChris

I've learned A LOT about this subject from Chris's documentary "A Lamp in the Dark"'s extremely helpful! I've watched it twice and need to watch it again...there is so much in it. So, Tamara, I'd highly recommend will help to answer many of your questions. (This is NOT a paid endorsement! *LOL*)

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene

Just went and watched the whole thing myself. Oy. Watching all those deluded people kneel and worship a Ritz Cracker made me think of the Muslim call to prayer....odd connection...or maybe not.

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene

Thank you, thank you, thank you for shedding the light on this delusion. Growing up in Germany, I was part of the Roman Catholic church until my early twenties, going through all the motions and never truly understanding why I did what I did. The statements about Jesus Christ are mostly true, with four words of poison in it, "Bow before Him now". As we know, rat poison is 96% good food and 4% poison. I came to Christ in my early thirties and have not looked back since. I was once asked by my cousin who "converted" from the Lutheran to the Roman Catholic church, why I had left the "true church". My answer was, "because I found the true God." I have had opportunity since then to witness to him and his wife. We have to understand that the majority of the people involved in the church of Rome are unaware of what they are truly doing. They just follow the traditions of men. May we in love point them to the truth and be faithful. May our Lord Jesus Christ keep us from false doctrine because His repeated warning for us is to "take heed that ye be not deceived..." May the Lord bless you and your ministry.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for shedding the light on this delusion. Growing up in Germany, I was part of the Roman Catholic church until my early twenties, going through all the motions and never truly understanding why I did what I did. The statements about Jesus Christ are mostly true, with four words of poison in it, "Bow before Him now". As we know, rat poison is 96% good food and 4% poison. I came to Christ in my early thirties and have not looked back since. I was once asked by my cousin who "converted" from the Lutheran to the Roman Catholic church, why I had left the "true church". My answer was, "because I found the true God." I have had opportunity since then to witness to him and his wife. We have to understand that the majority of the people involved in the church of Rome are unaware of what they are truly doing. They just follow the traditions of men. May we in love point them to the truth and be faithful. May our Lord Jesus Christ keep us from false doctrine because His repeated warning for us is to "take heed that ye be not deceived..." May the Lord bless you and your ministry.

As soon as they started talking I was reminded of this video. I wonder if they've seen it?

July 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterForest

Sad it took 1500 yrs to all of sudden understand what the bible "really said" about the Eucharist! Protestants love their bible codes, reinventing the wheel! Too bad Jesus was not clear for 1500 yrs to followers and too bad he did not leave an authoratative church in charge to help clear thse issues up! Doceism, rejection of the Real in Protestant thought......and what were hte "dark ages" really? Nothing dark at all about them, great leaps in learning, science, archetecture,etc.......only decay cam AFTER the reformation in Protestant areas......culture continued to flourish for God in Catholic areas....the Latin Mass magazine, the "greateset when Catholic" articles bear reading.......nothing "dark" at all! Catholic BTW, invented the printing prese, first thing off it? German language bible, long prior to Luther......sillyness, really CHris,get a real job......

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercatholicresistence

nothing dark about the dark ages at all... except all the murders

Jesus did not leave us the Catholic church to be our authority. He also didn't leave us any Protestant church to be our authority. God's word is our authority. All you need to do is read His good book if you want to know the truth.

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterForest

The people in this video sound as if they love the Bible. Maybe they believe the thing they are holding up is Jesus' body. Isn't it possible to read the Bible in different ways? And if so, shouldn't we speak of them in less polarised and inflamatory terms? I feel blessed by watching the link. Thank you for posting it.

August 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWonderer

I would like to take the opportunity, to thank the papist for supporting Chris's work, by exposing himself as the hypocrite he is.
Resistance against what catholicresistence?

The first time I would get knowledge from the Bible, was from a papist Priest, that would tell stories from the Bible at the papist school. Looking back, I hope he is doing well, and does not get stoned by Roman Catholics, as Charles Chiniquy was. Charles Chiniquy would expose popery for what is was, and would help much in finding the murderers of Abraham Lincoln, who was Charles Chiniquy's lawyer, when accused falsely by the papists military conspiracy. And since 7 American Presidents are murdered now, one should ask themselves, if any of these presidents was killed by any one else than the Catholics also.

December 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBosgeus

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