Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - Jesuit Educated Jerry Brown & The Secession of California - 10.24.17


Chris discusses the speech given recently by Steve Bannon at the GOP convention where he predicted that the state of California may well secede from the United States in the next decade if they continue to be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens.  Could the leadership of Jesuit educated governor, Jerry Brown have something to do with this?  19th century Catholic priest, Charles Chiniquy wrote that the Jesuits had taken control of San Francisco and ultimately desired control of the entire country.  What could the future hold if California secedes from the country?

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NOTR - Marxism At West Point - 10.17.17

Today's Show: MARXISM AT WEST POINT - 10.17.2017

Chris follows up on the story out of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where a new report from a retired Lt. Colonel who worked at the academy gives disturbing details about the lowered academic standards of the school, and the anti-American worldview being communicated to the students.  An earlier story revealed how a recent graduate flashed the words "Communism Will Win" scrawled on the inside of his uniform cap.  However, it now appears that the presence of Marxist principles are systemic within the nation's leading academy for training the elite officers of tomorrow's U.S. Military.  

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - The Progress of Sharia in Canada - 10.16.17

Today's Show: THE PROGRESS OF SHARIA IN CANADA - 10.16.2017

Chris discusses an update on the advance of Islam in Canada, as a new definition of "Islamophobia" has been published by the Toronto District School Board, and includes anyone who expresses "dislike" for Islam, Muslims or "towards Islamic politics ..."  In light of M-103 (a controversial motion that condemns so-called Islamophobia), this new definition of what Islamophobia is, might one day see Canadian citizens prosecuted for any negative opinion of Islamic beliefs -- either theologically or politically.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - Malta & Western Civilization - 10.12.17

Today's Show: MALTA & WESTERN CIVILIZATION - 10.12.2017

Chris continues the history of the Siege of Malta, relating it to modern events in the struggle for Western Civilization.  Once Christians understand the 1400 year struggle with Islam, the events of modern times as Muslim immigrants flood into Western countries takes on a different character.  Can the common people continue to allow their leaders to systematically betray their countries.  The historic conflict at Malta is a symbolic struggle for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the principles of freedom.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - The Battle of Malta - 10.9.17

Today's Show: THE BATTLE OF MALTA - 10.09.2017

Chris discusses the historic Battle of Malta in the 16th century, where the Turks laid siege to the island that was occupied by the Knights of St. John.  While the crusader knights were greatly outnumbered, they were able to prevail against the enemy and turn them back on September 11, 1565.  The lessons of Malta are worth considering today, since the historic conflict between Islam and the Christian world has never been fully resolved.  But now with the aid of Socialists in the Western world who seem bent on betraying Western Civilization, will the Muslim invaders be pushed back once again?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - The Jesuits & Antifa - 10.6.17

Today's Show: THE JESUITS & ANTIFA - 10.06.2017

Chris discusses a new story concerning a professor at a Jesuit university who has supported the use of violence during protests -- in apparent support of the Antifa movement at work in the United States.  Could there be more to this connection than meets the eye?  Also discussed is follow up on the Las Vegas shooting tragedy.  Could this horrific event have been the result of the far left agitation against the election of Donald Trump as President, as well as an attack on the idea of making America great again?  At least some of the evidence suggests that the alleged shooter may have been influenced by the Antifa movement, while ongoing messages from ISIS declare he was a "soldier" of the Islamic state.

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.