Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - The Jesuits, Immigration & Socialism - 7.8.18


Chris continues his discussion on the manipulations of the Jesuits and the Church of Rome on illegal immigration into the United States, along with the rise of Socialism in our political system.  Also discussed are Biblical passages about how God’s people are expected to treat strangers.  Is our country guilty of violating Scriptural teachings for maintaining border laws?  Or have we generally maintained a standard consistent with the Christian teachings of both the Old and New Testaments? 




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NOTR - The Jesuits & Illegal Immigration - 7.3.18


Chris discusses the manipulative teachings of the Jesuit priest, James Martin, who has promoted the acceptance of homosexuality by the Catholic Church, and now twists the Scriptures to justify illegal immigration, partly by referring to “illegal aliens” as strangers and refugees.  Martin follows the arguments of those on the left who falsely accuse America of being uncharitable towards foreigners, because our nation has border laws, just like every other nation on earth.  




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NOTR - Turkey, War & Helping the Ungodly - 6.30.18

Today's Show: TURKEY, WAR & HELPING THE UNGODLY - 6.30.2018

Chris discusses the controversy over the U.S. sale of F-35 fighter planes to Turkey, as part of a weapons transfer program.  But is it wise for America to cooperate with the Turks, knowing that they have the blood of countless Christians on their hands, especially because of the Armenian Genocide in the 20th century?  Is our country guilty of “helping the ungodly” as we are warned not to do in 2 Chronicles 19:2?  Turkey has repeatedly threatened the well being of Christians.  Even to this day, Turkish politicians are threatening to “invade and take over 18 Greek islands in the Aegean Sea” in the near future, while Turkish President Erdogan has recently foretold a coming “war between the cross and the crescent.”  




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NOTR - Andy Stanley: A Higher Critical Casualty - 6.28.18


Chris discusses the ongoing debates concerning the teachings of Andy Stanley, who argues that a believer’s faith should not be based on the Bible, because the Bible has too many errors in it.  Instead, he argues, a person’s faith should be on the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, and that the Resurrection was recorded by the witnesses who wrote the New Testament.  Stanley says: “Your whole house of Old Testament cards can come tumbling down.  The question is: did Jesus rise from the dead …” But can the Old Testament scriptures be forsaken? We analyze how the New Testament Gospel is built on the authority of the Old Testament prophecies of God. 


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NOTR - Islam in Schools & Border Insanity - 6.22.18

Today's Show: ISLAM IN SCHOOLS & BORDER INSANITY - 6.22.2018

Chris discusses the current debates about “separating families” through border patrol, and the fact that the practice has gone on for years (all during the Obama administration), yet only now does the radical left decide to make an issue of it.  Also discussed is a lawsuit filed in the state of New Jersey by a mother who is concerned that her child was taught to convert to Islam in an American school.  The lawsuit claims that not only does the information shown to the children teach them that Islam is the “true faith,” but specifically says that the Quran was divinely inspired, that Islam supposedly stands against “intolerance and racism,” and that Christians and Jews are infidels who deserve to be killed. 


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NOTR - The Christian Legacy of King Alfred the Great - 6.18.18


Chris discusses the story of one of the most enigmatic figures in history, Alfred the Great, the first king of England.  His struggle against the Viking invaders of ancient England, might be compared to what is happening to the Western world today.  Much of Christian civilization had been lost to the heathen armies, yet God raised up Alfred to turn the tide, to put down the Viking hordes, and then change the world forever.  The “Dooms of Alfred” (i.e. judgments) were based on the laws of God, and formed the foundation for the common laws of England, and eventually, Western Civilization.


By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.