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Entries in vaccines (4)



Today's Show: THE RED/GREEN AXIS AT WORK - 1.25.2022

Chris discusses some of the current stories in the news, with the testimony of a former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation virologist who warns that the mass vaccination of the population could create a continual series of variants.  Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche argues that if a vaccine cannot “prevent transmission” he warns the “virus will escape” and says “you are generating a breeding ground for even more infectious variants to replicate.”  Dr. Bossche goes on to say that what is happening is “criminal” in his opinion.   His voice is just one among thousands of doctors and medical professionals around the world warning about what is happening with the programs set forth by Dr. Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control.  Also discussed is an upcoming documentary by British journalist, Tommy Robinson whose film, “The Rape of Britain” is set to be released at the end of January.   



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Chris discusses updates and reports on the Covid-19 vaccines that are being given around the world, along with reports of some people who died shortly after receiving the first or second dose. Are they dying from the vaccine? Or are their deaths just a coincidence, as the media claims? Also discussed are the comments (we have the audio) from Nobel Prize winning biochemist Kary Mullis on Dr. Anthony Fauci — his shocking opinion of Fauci long before the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. His warning to the common people is one that should be considered by all. Also discussed is a document from November 2019 from the CSIS Commission (funded by Bill Gates) that strongly suggests a predetermined agenda was in place for some time prior to the outbreak of Covid-19 in January 2020.

PLEASE NOTE: Adobe Flash has been discontinued since January 2021.  This has removed the ordinary player featured on the NOTR website.  To listen to the show from our site, click on the DOWNLOAD button below, and then on the next page, click on the title of the show which is HIGHLIGHTED IN RED. 


By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.



Today's Show: THE MASK DECEPTION & MARK OF THE BEAST - 7.30.2020

Chris discusses the ongoing controversy over Covid-19 and the debates over wearing a mask.  While any serious danger of a pandemic has subsided, the demands for having people wear mandatory face coverings have increased, with more and more reports of businesses refusing service to those who won’t comply.  We hear the testimony of an Irish citizen who gives his explanation for it, how he believes it undermines our humanity in public and has been put forth by sinister people.  We also hear the audio of a Nigerian doctor who insists that hydroxychloroquine has cured many patients under her care and should be embraced by America.  Also we hear a recent interview with Bill Gates who now says multiple vaccinations will be required, maintaining that the vaccine agenda must be global.  Will mandatory vaccines somehow develop into a mark of the beast system?



By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.



Today's Show: POLICE STATE, PLANDEMIC & VACCINES - 5.13.2020

In a special one-hour program, Chris discusses the testimony of a Port of Seattle Police officer, Greg Anderson, who openly opposed the acts of tyranny by governments and police in a powerful online video.  We consider his warnings about a coming “civil war” and “blood flowing in the streets” if Constitutional violations continue.  Also discussed is the viral documentary, “Plandemic” featuring extensive interview footage with Dr. Judy Mikovits and her story about being persecuted for what she discovered about vaccines and the corruption of Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Why has the establishment worked so hard to discredit her?  We also consider that the filmmaker who interviews her is heavily involved in new age ideology.  Finally, we review a report featuring Melinda Gates and her comments on vaccines, and how it is supposedly a “moral issue” to have ALL children vaccinated. Could this be laying the groundwork for forced vaccinations?




By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.