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NOTR - Hillary's Jesuit-Educated VP Running Mate - 8.2.16


Chris discusses Hillary Clinton's choice for a Vice Presidential running mate -- Tim Kaine, a Jesuit educated junior U.S. Senator from Virginia.  Kaine comes from a devout Catholic family, and was not only educated by Jesuits, but worked in Honduras as a missionary for the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.  His Jesuit affiliation is being openly proclaimed in the headlines, and it appears he has been chosen to "balance" Hillary's ticket.  But could this be an indication that elitist powers are determined to have Hillary elected in November?


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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you so much for keeping us informed on these issues, Chris! Your closing statement rings true, we need to turn back to God. If Hillary wins, I see it as judgment on America. If Trump wins, I see it as God giving us a chance to repent.
What I find interesting now is the influx of LGBT into the conservative movement. I see that going one of two ways. Either they'll corrupt the conservative movement and cause another split, or this is God's first step to bringing them to repentance. I think of Judges 14 where Samson asked for a wife from the Philistines and his parents objected.
Verse 4: But his father and mother did not know that it was of the Lord—that He was seeking an occasion to move against the Philistines. For at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel.
I hope and pray God is using what appears to be bad not to bring judgment on us, but rather to bring repentance. The important thing is that we as Christians do not compromise the Gospel.

August 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Thrun

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