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NOTR - Lincoln, Trump & Libertarianism - 2.2.16


Chris discusses several emails from listeners who have expressed concerns over the presidential campaign of Donald Trump and the massive support he has received from Evangelical Christians.  Is Trump the best choice for believers?  Is he sincere?  Some believe that a more libertarian candidate like Rand Paul is the better choice.  But what is Libertarianism?  And can it really work in our country today, with all the different groups competing for control over the U.S. Constitution?  Also discussed is a powerful warning from Abraham Lincoln that some believe applies to our nation today.


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Reader Comments (4)

Chris, I'd agree with you 100% about Trump, if I thought he was truly sincere. He's just had too many troubling positions, even in the not-too-distant past, for me to believe he's changed that much. His beliefs on abortion, gun control, eminent domain, immigration....just to name a few...have been right along the democrat lines.

I pray he's really and truly changed. But, a change like that would take being born again, and we haven't heard a peep about him being converted.

I do agree with you about Libertarianism. When I think of today's model of Libertarianism, I think of those verses in Judges: "...and every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

As for who we should look to as our next president? I don't see anyone at this point. One thing I know for sure, though...we'll get the leader we deserve. Sadly.

February 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene

Why an Intelligent Christian would Support a Man like Trump, Who says he has never felt the need to
ask forgiveness for any thing and does not appear to be a Christian (No matter what he professes) is something I will never Understand!! What is wrong with Ted Cruz?? He is a Christian and Has The Stand on The Issues That Donald Trump.

You want to Look at This Biblically Then think of it like this.


February 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterWilliam Ervin

Oh, dear. Cruz? Wolf in sheep's clothing.

Why nothing about Ben Carson? Cruz lied and told everyone Carson dropped out. Chris like behavior? I think not. But that's just one of many examples of his patent dishonesty. BTW, not born here either.

But Trump? Darlene, I couldn't agree with you more.

A wolf in wolf's clothing, who will say anything you want to hear. Check out the articles at American Thinker.


We need to stop looking for someone to worship, that was Germany's downfall you know.

February 12, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterm1

meant to say "Christ-like" not Chris like.

February 12, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterm1

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