Liberation Theology is back as Pope Francis holds Capitalism to account

The TELEGRAPH - January 8, 2014
Amid accusations of Marxism, Pope Francis has turned the Vatican into the spearhead of radical economic thinking.
Unfettered global capitalism has met its match at last. Ever since Bishop Bergoglio picked St Francis of Assisi to be his guiding inspiration and lead a "church for the poor", all his actions have been in the same direction.
Liberation Theology is taking over the Vatican a quarter of a century after John-Paul II systematically sought to stamp out the "singular heresy" in the radical parishes and dioceses of Latin America, a task carried out with dutiful efficiency by Cardinal Ratzinger at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
NOTR: Why would a Jesuit pope promote Marxism? Historic background: It was the Jesuits who are credited with engineering Communist philosophy through their Reductions of Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries. The phrase "Social Justice" was first coined in 1843 by a Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli -- five years before Marx published The Communist Manifesto (1848). In 1881, Protestant historian J.A. Wylie wrote of how the Jesuits used Communism as a tool of manipulation against countries to force them into obedience to Rome (see: "The Jesuits, their Moral Maxims & Plots Against Kings, Nations, and Churches").
In particular, Wylie wrote: "... the Jesuits, in the end of the day, will make common cause with Communism, and will use this new-sprung force to wreak their vengeance on those Governments which have lifted up the heel against their liege lord, and obstinately refuse to return to their obedience to a ruler who claims to be the moral and political sovereign of all Christendom, the king of all its kings." (Wylie, pp. 102,103) For further information, see the book "Ecclesiastical Megalomania," in which author John W. Robbins documents the manifestation of Marxist philosophies in the political and economic thought of the Church of Rome.
Reader Comments (1)
I read in one of my readings over the past year, that Marx had actually plagiarized Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-trained professor in a European Jesuit University bet. 1700 & 1800, the man accredited with creating the illuminai. Also have read thar Bill Clinton is a Jesuit, although not ordained of course.
Further, I am currently reading the 2012 printing of "Washington in the Lap of Rome, 1888" with Foreward by Chris Pinto. On page 72, the book cites a reference entitled, "History of the Popes" by Louis Mare DeCormen that I would like to read but can't find. Any suggestions?