"Protestant devotions, a children’s service and the Catholic Mass each were held separately before joint worship at 11 a.m. on the grandstand featuring Lenz; Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., and head of the international Harvest Crusades; and acclaimed worship leader Lincoln Brewster." (Excerpt form article)
'We want to get all the flavors of the church,' Lifest founder Bob Lenz said. (Excerpt form article)
Reader Comments (13)
I got to looking around and it appeared as though it had not been planned into the event and was set up at the last minute, leaving me wondering who actually knew about it. But then I found it on the Lifefest site. You would have never known they were going to have mass at the festival unless you had looked closely. (Shown under "Worship Services")
I sent Laurie a message through his church asking about it, we'll see if I get a response.
This does not surprise me at all. I have e-mailed Greg several times through Worldnet Daily about some of his articles. Some have been informative and edifying, and some not so. Anyway, if you could Chris tell me if you have any information about Joseph Farah head of WND. I do hate to be so cautious about people but I do know that some of his material has been questionable at times. Many of the commentators on his website are of the Catholic faith and he has quoted Rush Limbaugh quite often. There was a time I listened to Rush almost everyday until he referred to the pope as the "holy father" and said that his faith was "the real deal." This occurred back in 2008 when Pope Benedict visited our country as then president GW Bush rolled out the red carpet for him. Bowed to him, and also referred to him as the "holy father." Those actions floored me, but led to investigating the true intentions of these individuals. There was a time when I supported them and thought that those who said anything negative about the Republican party as kooks. Conspiratists were nut jobs as far as I was concerned. Boy did I have to eat crow and frankly should have known better. This is Satan's world, and so are the governments of this world. One want's to think and hope that there are those who will make a difference and change the direction this once great nation is going. But, sin is rampant and sadly most who practice it love it and have no real desire to change at this time. Nevertheless, the gospel has to be declared despite opposition and ridicule.
Chris I do not know if you read these e-mails, but would appreciate a response if you have time.
Thanks and God Bless You, Steven Blackledge
I as well question WND in general, and have been expecting someone to speak out about them, but instead every discernment group that I know of just refers to articles from WND as if there is nothing wrong with WND. I think all you really need to do is look at their store and you'll know there is a problem. If you were a discerning Christian, who cared about other Christians, you would not be selling a lot of what is in their store and making money off of it.
Hello Forest,
I do know that Joseph Farah recently endorsed Gov Rick Perry for president if he were to run. There were some comments that made reference to the fact that Gov. Perry had attended a Bildiberg meeting last year or the year before last. Bottom line is that if one wants to become president of the US one has to adhere to the doctrines of the NWO. The table has been set and biblical prophecy has to be fulfilled. God's Word never fails which means we have to be spiritually prepared for whatever may come. Especially on a personal level! Our relationship with the Father through Christ Jesus our Lord is of utmost importance. We can and will endure to the end if He is in us and we are in Him through the power of God's Spirit.
We can only pray for those who are being deceptive and hope that their minds and hearts are seared with need to repent. These Jesuit's play a very unfair game and are being led by the adversary Satan. "Wise as serpents and gentle as doves" comes to mind when dealing with these individuals we are in reality being used by Lucifer. He has no love for them, but God does. So should we even though at times it can be difficult. Many of them are like Paul was at one time. Very fervent for their belief system, yet very wrong. Good intentions and ignorance are practiced quite often on this planet by many. That is why our hope is truly on the return of our Lord, as well as making sure our Spiritual armor is ready for battle against the forces of darkness.
Dear Steve & Forest,
I generally agree with your suspicions of World Net Daily, but have not researched them fully enough to be too specific. In general, they appear to follow the ideas of the Patriotic faith -- which typically refuses to distinguish between Biblical Christianity and Catholicism. Their faith appears more toward "Conservatism" rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. At least, that is how I see them. However, I would not imply that they are guilty of intentional harm. Joseph Farah has been a key figure in the "Tea Party" movement, and has promoted it heavily through WND. I truly believe that many of those who are caught up in that movement are well meaning Christians, who are doing what they think is right. If they are sincere in their faith toward Christ, I believe the Lord will lead them in all truth, in His own time. In fact, one of the Tea Party leaders contacted our ministry after he saw "Hidden Faith," and was stunned by what he learned. As watchmen, our job is to sound the trumpet so that our brethren might hear, and hearken to the Word of the Lord. God bless.
I would agree with that. I don't think it is wrong for Christians to get involved with politics or anything like that. I for one would rather have all Christians than all non-Christians in government any day. WND is considered by most a Christian news group, although it seems they consider themselves more of a conservative group. Either way, Farah claims Christianity so I would think he'd want WND to reflect his beliefs. I have never myself heard him say anything that I would question. As far as WND though, in the past I have wondered why in the world a group full of Christians would sell books by certain authors in their store. I've also had problems with some of the movies in their store, esp ones with gratuitous nudity in them, I don't think that one can really be defended. The way they get people subscribed to Whistleblower is fishy as well. I got tricked into a subscription (did or didn't check the right box, sort of my fault), then a month later charged for it without ever receiving a trial issue, and thinking I had originally opted out. Then after calling and talking to someone about canceling it and being told I would get a refund, I instead got another issue a month later. The whole subscription thing just seemed dishonest to me, but it could have all been mistakes.
As far as the Catholicism side of WND, I just don't think many Christians understand what Catholicism really is, I don't think a lot of pastors even understand it or have taken the time to do so, a lot of Catholics don't even understand the difference. Most Christians are brought up thinking Catholicism is just another denomination of Christianity. Being a Christian and not knowing the difference between the two does not mean you aren't a Christian. You don't one day become a Christian then all of a sudden know everything. But when a Christian is presented with the truth about Catholicism, it's what they do with it after that, that matters.
Hello Chris and Forest,
I realize that most Catholics do not know what the higher ups are doing and the plan of the Vatican, but there are a great many Catholics involved in media, (Fox news, radio commentary, except for you of course Chris). This cannot be just coincidence! They may not understand the whole plan, but they are definitely Pro Catholic. With Joe Farah I have ask him many questions and have only received his advertisement for receiving his daily alerts via e-mail. I have never been rude, but have ask direct questions. I scan his website at least 5 to 6 times a week just to get an overview of whats going on or what the government is up to and never have I seen anything negative about the Catholic church. Maybe that would cause him to lose some of his customers, but that has never stopped you Chris.
Of course we are to pray for those who may have a distorted view of what is right. Even our brother Paul thought he was doing the Good Lord's work until he saw the Light. I hope that I do not give the impression that I am spewing venom, just wondering with only the concern of many brethren I come into contact with. Many who cannot seem to let go of this world's governments and their leaders no matter how much evidence shown to them about what their real intentions are. "Wise as the serpent, yet gentle as doves."
Fighting the good fight and longing to finish the race! This Spiritual battle is only going to intensify and with the help of Christ Jesus our Lord we will endure to the end.
Thanks Chris for all of your hard work, and I am looking forward to "The Tares Among the Wheat" as well as the "Georgia Guidestones" DVD's. I had some friends over this afternoon and we spent much of the time going over scripture and gave one of my brothers a copy of America's Secret Beginnings and Riddles in Stone. I bought two copies and loan them out to people who I believe need to be better informed about the real truth of America's founding fathers. If they can handle those two I will purchase them a copy of the follow up video's concerning this subject. Without question your productions are very well done. In fact, in my opinion, when it comes to biblical topics and current events your work is up their with some of the best I have ever seen. The music you place within these productions is most excellent. I am not just blowing smoke either bro!
God Bless to the Both of You, Steven
I used to serve at lifest as a volunteer, for many years the mass was never offered on the grounds. in fact, there was a time when no romish outreach was to be found. unfortunately, mass has been offered at LIE-fest for over 5 years now. the last 2 times i went there i did it to evangelize the truth about our Lord and His narrow path and narrow gate. Praise God for the Truth being told through NOTR !!
God bless you Chris and all those behind the scenes !
Here's something to consider. Greg Laurie's "Harvest Crusade" is supposed to be an event for spreading the Gospel. The current crusade in Anaheim, California is featuring the musician David Crowder. David Crowder promotes, and is promoted by, Brian McClaren. Brian McClaren and the emerging/emergent movement undermine the gospel and the Bible, on which the gospel is based. If Greg Laurie is concerned about the integrity of the gospel and the Bible, why is he featuring David Crowder?
I've been waiting to hear back again from Laurie, but here was the result of my email.
I did get one response from Laurie's church. It was from a member of the correspondence team at Harvest Ministries. He basically said that he did not believe that the fact that there was a Catholic Mass offered on the same stage that Laurie later taught from would have been a concern of Laurie's. Then said that Laurie was just there to proclaim God's Word, and his love of the Gospel.
I replied back asking how a Pastor of God could be not be against it, and gave just a brief description of what Mass is, that it is anti-biblical, and that the crucifixion of Christ was sufficient. I was hoping to get a second response, but I never heard back after that.
By the way Steve,
I heard Farah on a program last week say that he no longer endorses Rick Perry mainly because of his statements about NY and homosexual marriage.
Chris, If your readers would google Paul Proctor and Joseph Farrah, they will find out just where Farrah is coming from or going! Paul does not mince words and tells it like it is. Thank you for your wonderful website. You and Brannon Howse are the new Dave Hunts of today! Judy