Article written by Ed Decker
Founder of Saints Alive Ministries
I have just watched your remarks regarding Mitt Romney and his Mormon faith, recorded on video.
Shame on you! You have given the enemies of the Cross a great victory. Either through sheer ignorance of the Word or your apparent desire to never offend anyone, regardless of their sins, you have handed the Mormons a huge PR gift. You have insulted and denigrated the many former Mormons like me who have spent their lives bringing Mormons the truth and to the Real Jesus, who died for their sins on Calvary. You have defined our ministries and my life’s work as worthless.
You emphatically state: The Mormons are Christian. Are you completely ignorant of the fact that the Mormons have taught as a foundational doctrine that the creeds of all the Christian churches are abominations in the Mormons’ god’s sight?
What kind of research or study did you undertake before you made this foolish and unbiblical utterance? Did you check with Pastor Jeffress, a godly, Christian pastor? Or with Mitt Romney, a man working out his own godhood? Or did you just toss this out from your own lack of knowledge or as some sort of sweet sound bite?
Are you totally unaware that they have taught in their sacred temples for over a century that you and all other Christian pastors are corrupt hirelings of Satan, that you and your church are part of the great and abominable church and the whore of all the earth?
Did you not know that Mormonism teaches a restorationist theology, stating that the gates of hell did prevail against the Church and teaching that all power and authority were lost until God chose Joseph Smith to be his holy prophet to restore all things and lead this last dispensation of time?
Did you not know that the LDS church teaches they have the only true church, the only true prophet, the only true priesthood, and the only true scripture? That all others are false? That there is NO personal salvation outside their church?
Didn’t you know that the god of Mormonism is an exalted man-god who once lived on another planet in some other galaxy? That he earned his godhood through his good works and now lives on a planet near the great star Kolob with a harem of his many goddesses, making spirit babies to come to this earth to earn [their own] godhoods?
You say you “heard Romney say that Jesus is the Son of God and is his Savior -- and that is one of the "core issues."
You announced to the world, with a broad smile, that the Mormon Church and Romney are Christian and that the differences between Mormonism and orthodox Christianity are simply the same as the differences between Baptists and other denominations. How could you, as the pastor of one of our largest churches, say that so glibly?
Don’t you know that Mitt Romney is a man who is earning his own godhood and plans to people his own planet? That Romney is a Mormon High Priest in the Melchizedek priesthood? That the Mormons have usurped that holy priesthood as their own?
To pronounce them Christians, do you then agree with the Mormon doctrine that the Mormon Jesus is the brother of Lucifer? That he became ‘savior’ by a vote of a council of gods? That He is not the Word become flesh, not God come in the flesh, but was conceived through an act of sex by the Mormon god and one of his own daughters, Mary?
To have publicly accepted their Christianity, you must apparently concur that Jesus did not die as ransom for our sins on the Cross, but suffered for us in the garden, sweating great drops of blood, placing our personal salvation as conditional upon our works and our obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Mormon gospel. That Jesus’ death on Calvary merely gives us all resurrection so that we may be judged for our works and obedience.
Why do you think that the Mormons have over 50,000 missionaries out, primarily targeting Christians weak in the faith? If they are Christians, why do they target other Christians?
It is because they have success in seducing people who have not been taught biblical truth and discernment by pastors more eager to fill pews and sell books than guard their people from the ravening wolves who circle the flocks.
I am sorry, Pastor Osteen, but you have disgraced the Cross of Christ and bowed to some vile, politically correct dogma and publicly pronounced these doctrines of demons to be Christian.
These are not the quaint differences you alleged in your book tour interview. These are lies from the pit of hell. There are irreconcilable differences between orthodox Christianity and these antichrist teachings and doctrines.
The true Christian Church can never accept the Mormons as Christians until they confess these lies as sins and repent from them publicly. If a Mormon can attend your church and be openly accepted as a Christian brother or sister without being called to the Cross and repentance, then you are teaching a false faith and need to repent and ask forgiveness from the Church and Pastor Jeffress, the pastor you have just defamed in your foolish utterances.
Ed Decker
Saints Alive in Jesus
Source article can be found here.

Reader Comments (1)
Very well put brother Ed,
I always say that if you want to find out who the compromising Laodicean false teachers and who are wolves in sheep's clothing are just look on the book shelves of WalMart, Chapters or Borders.
Their books are accepted by these new age Rupert Murdochians. And thus the words of Christ are clearly seen that "woe" (bad) is upon the Joel Osteen's, Meyers, Jakes and Princes because the WORLD speaks well of them as the Jews did to the false prophets (Luke 6:26)
Paul spent sometimes 3 months or years DISPUTING AGAINST compromise , false doctrine, false religion (circumcision) of both Jews AND Gentiles. (See Acts 17:17 and Acts 19:8)
But these wishy washy ,non calloused, smooth girly hands of Joel Osteen never balled up a fist in anger against SIN because he's got to keep the money rolling in for the church football stadium doors to stay open.
Can you see Joel Osteen testifying to his sheeple that he had shipwrecked his yacht 3 times, and had his back beaten to a bloody bruised pulp with rods 5 times by his Jewish acquaintances for telling them the truth on Larry King Live that the Jews are going to hell without being saved in Jesus Christ "including you Larry!"
Can you see just once that neatly gelled up dew of his getting a 20 lb.boulder hurled at him crushing into his melon chipping and cracking his white bright zoomed up straight teeth?
Do you wonder what he would look like unshaven, smelly and in his own excrement for a night and a day in the deep?
He's in journeyings often (all over the USA) but he's not in perils of robbers and in perils of waters or having his life threatened by his own fellow Americans (countrymen) or by the heathen (unsaved) or by false brethren (Mormons, Catholics, JW's)
Can you see Joel's manicured fingernails shaking from the cold from being naked for the Gospel's sake? Can you see him full of weariness and painfulness and staying up nights fearful of his own life sleeping in the wilderness by a homemade Joel Osteen tent (that you could buy from his ministry online)
while his stomach is growling and in hunger pains and being thirsty for something, anything to drink?
Can you really see Osteen fasting at all especially often with hardly any clothes because he was robbed by robbers of them ? I guess that's why he has bodyguards as all these crooked mammon worshiping preachers do.
Would he be able to handle any of these things that Paul mentioned that he went through in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28? I trow not!!!!
To exchange his $5,000 (or more) suits for orange pajamas with 6 digit football numbers on it ? Nah uh.
Can you see him in prison?? Often?? Martha Stewart probably has more calloused hands and balls than he!
Can you see his life being threatened and truly at risk, almost coming to an end (vs. 23-deaths often) for preaching the true gospel ??
Never, never, never. And the rich young ruler went away..........GRIEVED and SAAAAAD. (Mark 10:22)