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NOTR - Brexit, Trump & Le Pen - 11.22.16

Today's Show: BREXIT, TRUMP & LE PEN

Chris discusses the ongoing resistance against globalism in the United States and Europe.  The success of the Brexit vote earlier this year is said to have sent shockwaves across the Atlantic, helping to sweep Donald Trump to victory.  Sources now predict that the same may happen in France with Marine Le Pen -- the national conservative who is running for president and currently rising in the polls.  What could this mean for the elite's plan to dominate the West?

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NOTR - Islam's Fifth Column in America - 11.18.16


Chris discusses a series of stories on the Islamic infiltration of the Western world.  In particular, it is reported that radical Islamic groups have infiltrated the United States government at key levels during the Obama Administration.  Retired U.S. Naval Captain Joseph R. John has written that members of radical Islamic groups that have "sinister goals" have been "appointed by Obama to very high and sensitive positions" in the U.S. government.  Captain John reports that they have become a very dangerous "Fifth Column" in the United States.  But now with Trump as the new President Elect, how might things change going forward? 

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NOTR - Post Election Mayhem - 11.16.16


Chris discusses a series of stories about the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.  Staged demonstrations have continued across the country, giving the impression of a radical outcry from concerned citizens.  Yet others report that the "protests" have been orchestrated by George Soros, along with Communist and Socialist groups across the country.  Also reported are stories that Hillary Clinton became violent upon learning that she had lost the election, and was supposedly in a "psychotic drunken rage."  In addition, the Democrats are now looking to a Jesuit-educated Muslim to lead the DNC in future. 

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NOTR - Trump & Three Kings - 11.11.16


Chris discusses more on the aftermath of the presidential election, as Christians across the country (and around the world) give thanks to God for answering prayer.  Meanwhile, radical leftists in certain cities continue protests and demonstrations against the election of Donald Trump shouting that he is not their president.   Also discussed are the stories of three kings from the Old Testament who were clearly appointed by God to govern in ancient Israel.  But just because they were chosen by God does not mean that they obeyed the Lord in all things.  What warnings and lessons can we learn from the examples of Scripture?  

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NOTR - Trump Wins - 11.9.16

Today's Show: TRUMP WINS

Chris discusses the historic victory of President-Elect Donald J. Trump who has now been clearly chosen as the next president of the United States of America.  Some are declaring that God has answered the prayers of many Americans across the country who wished to see this nation rescued from the clutches of globalism.  Months ago, we speculated that Trump might be the Psalm chapter 2 candidate.  Could this be, in part, the fulfillment of the Scripture -- a response from heaven against those who have opposed the Lord and His Christ?  Also discussed is the reaction from the international community.  The U.K. Guardian has proclaimed a "dark day" now that "President Trump is the shock heard round the world."

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.


NOTR - Hillary, Witchcraft & The White House - 11.7.16


Chris discusses new disturbing revelations about the WikiLeaks emails that show connections with occult practices.  But this is not the first time Hillary Clinton has been associated with paganism and witchcraft, as is shown by the testimonies of those who have been close to the Clinton's in years past.  Could these be modern manifestations of the worship of Baal and the false gods of the ancient world?

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.