Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - In The News - 1.10.17

Today's Show: IN THE NEWS

Chris discusses several news stories dealing with the latest Jihad attacks in Florida and in Israel.  Also a new report from the Gatestone Institute suggests that Western countries are being conditioned to retreat in the face of Islamic aggression.  Also discussed is the United Nations Security Council gathering that is predicted to establish a Palestinian State on January 15th -- just five days before President Elect Trump's inauguration on January 20th.  Are globalist powers working to accomplish their aims before Trump smashes their ambitions?

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NOTR - Jesuits & The Islamization of the Church - 1.9.17


Chris discusses a new Gatestone Institute article on how Christian clergy have welcomed Islam into the Church, and now bows to it.   As we have noted before, the seeds of this apostasy can be traced to the Jesuits influence in Vatican Council II where they acknowledged that the worship of Roman Catholicism is equal to that of Islam.  Yet the Jesuit Francis was the first pope in history to allow Islamic prayers and readings from the Koran to be heard in the Vatican.  Also reported is that the Bishop of Oxford (who has stated that homosexual partnerships are Biblically acceptable) has recommended that Prince Charles's coronation should open with a reading from the Koran.  Are Western Church leaders looking to replace Christianity with Islam? 

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NOTR - Obama & The Betrayal of Israel - 1.5.16

Today's Show: OBAMA & THE BETRAYAL OF ISRAEL - 1.5.16

Chris discusses the recent controversy over the Obama administration's treatment of Israel at the United Nations just weeks before the current president is to leave office.  Israel's Prime Minister has argued that the entire affair was orchestrated by the Obama administration -- which has refused to acknowledge that the city of Jerusalem is part of Israel -- from the beginning.  Is the activity of the United Nations against Israel the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? 

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NOTR - Jesuitism Working in America - 1.3.16


Chris discusses the impact and influence of Jesuit philosophies at work in the United States, referencing a newly discovered Evangelical journal from the 19th century.  The Order was based in Italy and yet we are told that while there, they behaved as foreigners in the country -- giving preference to foreign issues rather than those of the citizens of Italy.  This was said to be a tactic intended to weaken and divide the country's sense of nationalism, using a divide and conquer strategy to give the society greater control.  Is this what we see happening in our country today?

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NOTR - Obama, Democrats & The End of 2016 - 12.29.16

Today's Show: OBAMA, DEMOCRATS & THE END OF 2016

Chris discusses the end of 2016 with commentary on President Obama's assertion that he would have won a third term if he had run against Trump.  Also discussed is the deaths of many renowned figures and celebrities in 2016 -- Fidel Castro, Muhammad Ali, and Carrie Fisher (to name a few).  The many deaths of famous people should remind us of the importance of preaching the Gospel and encouraging others to repent of the wickedness of this present world, and seek God's promise of eternal life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  The Scripture tells us it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment (Hebrews 9:27).  

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NOTR - The Annual Christmas Show - 12.24.16 

Today's Show: THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SHOW - 12.24.2016

Chris takes on what has proven to be perhaps the most controversial issue of the year ... the yearly celebration of Christmas.   Few topics have proven to be so divisive and to inspire debate and discussion.  Is Christmas a pagan holiday?  Was it based on the ancient feast of Saturnalia?  Did the early Church celebrate the birth of Christ?  Or was the practice invented by the Catholic Church?  Are Christmas trees really ancient Ashurah poles?  And was December 25th chosen because of the sun god Sol Invictus?  While these ideas have been argued for years, there are a growing number of believers who argue that the original observance of the birth of Christ had nothing to do with paganism. 

By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.