Noise of Thunder Radio Show

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NOTR - Trump, Psychiatry & The Soviet Union - 1.11.18

Today's Show: TRUMP, PSYCHIATRY & THE SOVIET UNION - 1.11.2018

Chris discusses a new story from Frontpage Mag on the use of psychiatry as a weapon against political enemies in the former Soviet Union.  The article parallels the Communist method with the current arguments against President Trump that he is somehow psychologically unfit to serve as commander and chief.  Also discussed are the various "phobias" claimed by the left against their enemies (Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.,) along with additional claims that those who deny global warming are also suffering from mental instability.  Is the current wave of psychological accusations merely additional proof of the Communist infiltration of the United States?  And will these assertions of mental instability become weaponized politically by the left, in order to punish their opponents?

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NOTR - Keith Ellison, Antifa & Sharia Law - 1.6.18

Today's Show: KEITH ELLISON, ANTIFA & SHARIA LAW - 1.6.2018

Chris discusses a new story about Muslim Congressman and DNC Deputy Chair, Keith Ellison who tweeted his support for the Antifa movement, by showing himself with “The Anti-Fascist Handbook” — an apparently Marxist publication.  Ellison is on record for having a plan to advance the cause of Islam in the United States. His message is further proof of the unification of Islam with the radical left.  Also discussed is a follow up on the Washington Post story about Sharia law in America.

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NOTR - John Rogers: Bloody Mary's First Martyr - 1.5.18


Chris discusses the history of John Rogers, the English Reformer and friend of William Tyndale who was responsible for the Matthew's Bible.  Rogers was also the first believer to be martyred during the reign of Mary Tudor (a.k.a. "Bloody Mary").   Also discussed is the ongoing effort to advance Sharia law in the United
States, as communicated through a Washington Post article titled, "Sharia in America."  The article describes how "sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience ..."

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NOTR - HAPPY NEW YEAR - 12.31.2017

Today's Show: HAPPY NEW YEAR - 12.31.2017

In a special ONE HOUR program, Chris discusses some of the most important issues of 2017 and how they may affect the coming year.  President Trump's decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem is a powerful historic development happening in our time.  But could the backlash from the Islamic world bring us to the Gog and Magog invasion, and possibly Armageddon?  Also discussed is the recent decision against the Christian bakery owners who have been forced to pay a fine for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake.  This combined with a judges decision to block President Trump's rejection of trans-genders in the military has brought judicial activism back into view.  Also discussed are the various bans against Sharia law across the country.  

Happy New Year to our listeners, and may God bless you in 2018!

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NOTR - The Annual Christmas Show - 12.22.17

Today's Show: THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SHOW - 12.22.2017

Chris discusses controversies concerning the Christmas holiday, and whether or not the tradition is based on old paganism.  Some argue that the yearly acknowledgement of the birth of Christ was created to give the early Christians a reason not to be involved in pagan celebrations, and that December 25 was actually the feast of Sol Invictus the "Invincible Sun."  However, other researchers strongly disagree, and argue that the celebration of Christmas precedes the pagan events by nearly a hundred years.


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NOTR - U.N. Troops Requested To Police Chicago - 12.21.17


Chris discusses the bizarre story of Cook County Commissioner, Richard Boyken who traveled to New York in order to discuss with the United Nations the possibility of bringing in U.N. troops to stop the “quiet genocide” taking place in Chicago.  The strange meeting took place after President Trump suggested having the National Guard brought in to help with the violence in the city.  Researchers have warned for years that the U.N. would be used by the elites to help bring about martial law.  Could this be the beginning of the globalist plan to give the United Nations more power over the United States?


By clicking this icon you will be directed to our archives page in order to get an mp3 version of today's show. With this file you can listen to Noise of Thunder from your iPod or MP3 player whenever you want.